This article discusses the benefits of celery juice and any potential side effects. Keep reading.

What Is Celery Juice?

Celery (Apium graveolens L) is a plant from the Apiaceae family. This plant has been studied for its phenolic and antioxidant compounds (1). The juice of fresh raw celery is loaded with similar nutrients and biochemical compounds. It’s a green hydrating drink that’s great for quenching your thirst or boosting your digestion. The natural flavor of celery juice can be bland or grassy, but you can enhance it by adding citrus fruits. Reap all of the benefits of celery juice by drinking it first thing in the morning. A nutritious and healthy start to the day, it’s packed with beneficial compounds. Learn more about celery juice’s nutritional values below.

Celery Juice Nutrition

The following nutrients are present in about 100 g of celery juice (2): Celery juice contains fiber, potassium, vitamins C, A, K, folate, and over a dozen other antioxidants. It is much lower in calories than other green juices (2). While most people may benefit from drinking celery juice, some might have to steer clear of it. Find out which group you belong to in the section below.

Who Should Not Drink Celery Juice?

Celery juice is generally safe for consumption by everyone, but it should be kept away from the following people: IBS patients: Celery contains fermentable sugars such as mannitol, which may cause digestive issues when digested (3), (4). Individuals with high blood pressure (hypertension) or those keeping a close eye on their sodium intake: Celery juice contains relatively high amounts of sodium. Thus, be careful not to overindulge in it (2), (5). Individuals on blood-thinning medications like warfarin: Celery juice is rich in vitamin K. This nutrient affects blood clotting and may hinder the functioning of blood-thinning medications (6).

While this nutritious drink may pose a problem for some people, it may prove extremely beneficial for others. Celery juice relieves constipation, flushes out toxins, and improves blood circulation. Check out the extensive list of benefits of celery juice in the section below.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Celery Juice?

Health Benefits Of Celery Juice

1. May Help Relieve Constipation

Celery juice may cure various digestive disorders due to the abundant fiber present in celery. Dietary fiber is needed to keep the digestive process moving. It helps in free bowel movements, thereby preventing constipation (7). Give your meal smoothie a twist by adding celery stalks to it. Make sure you don’t filter the crude fiber out.

2. May Promote Cardiovascular Health

Plenty of evidence shows a strong relationship between oxidative stress and hypertension. Eliminating free radicals that cause oxidative stress can lower blood pressure. Vegetable juices made from celery leaves, kale, apples, cucumbers, lemon, and ginger might be ideal for this purpose (8). Celery leaves contain flavonoids like apigenin that are potent antioxidants. These phenolic compounds affect lipid metabolism and accumulation. Low serum cholesterol keeps hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases at bay (8).

3. Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation can occur because of numerous factors like chemical and physical stress, allergies (hypersensitivity), infections, and poor diet. Most of the times, inflammation is a result of compromised immunity. In other words, inflammation can also occur when your body is too weak to protect itself against any disturbance (9). Including anti-inflammatory and low-starch foods in your diet can help a great deal. Celery juice is highly anti-inflammatory. It may help in reducing the severity of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, lupus, gout, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut, etc. (1). This activity is attributed to the active ingredients like apigenin, apiin, and luteolin in celery juice (10).

4. May Reduce Liver Damage And Diseases

Celery leaves and stalks have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the liver. The polyphenols eliminate the accumulated toxins and free radicals in your body. They increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes like glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc. in your system (1). This results in reduced lipid peroxidation and accumulation in your liver. Issues like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cirrhosis, and hepatic cancers can be well managed (11).

5. May Improve Sleep And Overall Brain Health

Recent research suggests that plant-based diets can improve sleep. Vegetables high in dietary polyphenols – like celery – might modulate the circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles (12). The apigenin in celery leaves exhibits potent neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding celery to your breakfast smoothie not only gives it a nice texture but also kick starts your brain. It enhances memory by slowing down neuronal death. The antioxidants and mineral ions protect your brain cells from chemical and pathogenic stress. Hence, celery juice might be a good choice for managing Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss (dementia), and neurodegenerative disorders (13).

6. May Work As A Diuretic And Maintain Kidney Health

Celery juice contains two essential minerals – sodium and potassium. These minerals act as the regulators of our body fluid. Hence, this juice is an excellent diuretic (14). It facilitates the production of urine and prevents UTIs (urinary tract infections) or kidney troubles (15). Celery leaf extracts can restore minerals and water lost in the urine. Celery juice can expel undesirable calcium deposits in your body through urine (16). This process prevents kidney stones, gallstones, atherosclerosis, etc.

7. May Enhance Fertility In Men

Rat studies in recent years show a positive association between fertility and celery intake. Traditional medicine uses celery to stimulate libido, protect the testes, and aid spermatogenesis (17). The antioxidant capacity of celery helps in this aspect. Flavonoids like apigenin detoxify and shield the male reproductive organs from chemical stress. This, in turn, boosts the sperm count and viability (17). Administering 100-200 mg/kg of celery leaf extracts to mice increased the size of their sex organs. Hence, celery juice may promote fertility in men (17).

8. May Maintain Acid-Base Balance In Your Body

The modern-day diet has a high dietary acid load. This can disturb the acid-alkaline homeostasis in your body. This chemical imbalance is often connected to chronic kidney and gallbladder disorders, especially calcification (stones) in these organs (18). Eating vegetables that are alkaline can help to an extent. Celery stimulates alkali secretion in the body. It contains important electrolyte ions like potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc. (18), (19). Its juice reduces acidity and controls the overall pH levels to some extent. Consuming it regularly can control uric acid levels, which are key contributors to calcification.

Celery Juice Benefits For Skin

9. May Help Detoxify Your Skin

Celery juice is one of the best detox drinks one could ask for! It is refreshing and alkalizing (18). The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols in celery juice scavenge the reactive oxygen species in your bloodstream (1). Minerals like potassium and magnesium maintain the electrolyte balance and pH of your skin (2). When your body is free of toxins, it reflects on your skin.

10. May Help Deal With Acne

Folate and vitamins A and C present in celery juice may help fight infections and inflammation (20). Its rich antioxidant content and presence of anti-inflammatory agents may help in clearing acne, blemishes, and pimples.

11. May Delay Early Signs Of Aging

Celery is packed with potent antioxidants such as apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol (1). Antioxidants play an important role in delaying the onset of aging and help neutralize free radicals. This protects cells from early death and also prevents the development of wrinkles and fine lines (21).

12. Helps Hydrate Skin

Celery juice is rich in nourishing components and water. It revitalizes dull skin and increases hydration. You may notice that fine lines and wrinkles are magnified when you are dehydrated. Thus, keeping your skin cells hydrated throughout the day is important for maintaining healthy skin (22). When combined with the necessary exercise and diet, celery juice may aid hair growth. In short, celery juice keeps chronic ailments at bay. Adding it to your list of breakfast shakes is a must now. Here’s a quick recipe to make celery juice.

How To Make Celery Juice In Under 5 Minutes

Celery stalks: 1-2 bunches, medium-sized Water Juicer (or) High-speed blender Colander

You can add green apple, kale, mint, cucumber, lemon juice, and ginger along with celery. You can also refrigerate this juice and have it cold on summer afternoons. Maybe with warm low-cal oats cookies.

But is it safe to drink this juice every day? Could celery juice have adverse effects?

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Celery Juice?

When you look at the macronutrient composition of celery, this juice is a treasure. But it is the micronutrients that can cause changes. The phytochemical composition might trigger certain side effects.

May Cause Rashes And Photosensitivity

Celery has photosensitizing properties. It contains active substances, called psoralens, belonging to the furocoumarin family. Furocoumarin-rich foods can trigger phototoxicity. So, if you drink celery juice or eat it often, you might develop skin rashes and photosensitivity (23).

May Harm The Kidneys

Having too much of celery juice can harm your kidneys. Celery, beets, lettuce, spinach, rhubarb, etc. have high amounts of dietary oxalates (100 g of celery has 190 mg of oxalate). Oxalate molecules interact with calcium ions in your body to form calcium oxalate deposits a.k.a stones (24). These stones affect the functioning of the kidneys. Calcification in the kidneys triggers inflammation (24).


You get readymade celery powder in the markets. You can use it to make the juice and other celery recipes. But, there are claims that this celery powder might cause cancer. Such ready-to-use ingredients have high salt, preservatives, and unnecessary chemical impurities. But there is not enough scientific evidence that proves their cancer-causing abilities (25). So, what is the best way out? Well, healthcare professionals say that juice-based diets are hyped. Celery juice is said to be a great detox drink. But the truth is, a healthy liver does all the detox our bodies need. The best way to get the nutrients from vegetables is to eat them whole – with the fiber intact. If you don’t like the texture and taste of the whole vegetable, celery juice is a welcome change. Celery juice comes with a host of health benefits. However, if fresh celery isn’t available or you are allergic to it, here are some nutritious substitutes you could try instead.

Healthy Alternatives To Celery Juice

If you are looking for a hydrating drink, you can try:

Cucumber juice Aloe vera juice Coconut water Lemon water

If you want to add some nutrition to your smoothies or juice mixes, try:

Carrot juice Avocado Kale Spinach

The Final Word

Is it best to drink celery juice on an empty stomach? Check out the infographic below for instructions on making a tasty, healthy celery-based smoothie that can help you shed those stubborn pounds. While it is safe to consume celery juice on an empty stomach, the benefits you get are the same as when you consume it with food. Is celery juice good for your bones? Yes, celery juice is good for bones. It is loaded with flavonoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Why did my celery juice turn brown? Celery juice will start browning if it is stored for too long. The change in color is a sign of spoilage. How many times a week should you drink celery juice? Everyday. You can have a glass or two of celery juice every day to reap its benefits and flush out toxins. Is juicing celery better than eating it? Possibly not. Celery juice has significantly less amount of dietary fiber than raw celery stalks. Thus, you may be missing out on the fiber content of celery when juiced. What should I eat after celery juice? You can have celery juice along with a fulfilling balanced meal packed with dietary fiber, protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Why am I bloated after drinking celery juice? Anecdotal evidence suggests that the fermentable starches present in celery juice, when digested, may lead to bloating and flatulence. How long does celery juice last in the fridge? Celery juice, if properly stored in an airtight container, can last a couple of days in the fridge and up to 6 months in the freezer.

